Friday, January 4, 2008

1st work week of 2008

The first work week of 2008 is over. I'm taking a girl I know to dinner tonight (it's her birthday) but figured I would post since I have some time. Not much in the way of fancy restaurants here (will probably go eat some sashimi and sushi) but I can't really complain. Weekends are simple here, either going to the beach to swim and fish or sometimes going to see a movie (we have one theatre here). Sunday I will take some more more photos of a basketball game (enjoyed that last weekend) and might do some kayak fishing tomorrow.
Another girl I know (not married despite the ring). She has a simple tattoo on her right breast which I really like. For some reason I'm attracted to girls with tattoos. Not all over your body types, but one or two small tattoos are sexy to me. Hope you enjoy the post of her.

Thursday, January 3, 2008

One Month

Well, Looks like I have been posting for one month now. Time sure goes by fast and I appreciate those who stop by to have a look. Please feel free to leave a comment on the blog.

So far work has taken 100% of my time. I have a big audit coming up later this month and getting ready has meant working 12-14 hour days. Not fun, but work pays for my trips and camera equipment and puts the food on the table.

So just a short post before I get back to work....

Tuesday, January 1, 2008


First day 0f 2008 and I don't have a hangover from last night (yeah). My first post of 2008 is a streetgirl that I had met. posting here more to discuss a technique that I use to process some of my photos. It is simple and I like the way it works some of the time.
In photoshop, I first duplicate the layer. Next, I change the mode to multiply (the drop down box). I change the name of the layer to multiply. Next step is to make sure you have the multiply layer active and go image-adjustments-hue/saturation and turn down the saturation (drag the saturation bar to the left) almost all the way (this photo was at -85). Click ok. Next step is to make sure your background layer is selected (the bottom layer) and duplicate that layer. Change that layer name to "minor" (you can actually name them whatever you want, it just makes it easier to keep track if you name the layers). OK, now you have (from bottom to top) the following layers; 'background' - 'minor' - multiply (total of three layers).
Select the multiply layer again (the top layer) and go to image-adjustments-shadow highlights. Make sure the show more options box is checked at the bottom. Now, I generally only play with the "shadows" box at the top. It has amount, tonal width and radius. Goof around with these until you get something you like. For this photo it was amount (50%) tonal width (50%) and radius (50%). Click ok.
I normally will collapse the layers at this point (layer-flatten image). Then apply some sharpening to taste.
Now I generally find that this technique works best if you do this right when you open up the image (before you play around with curves and levels) but again goof around and see what you like.
Hope you found this useful.